Work Placement Hub
Work Experience Placements are an important part of a young person’s education, helping them to gain meaningful exposure to the world of work and helping them to plan their future career.
Who do we support?
Our busy in-house work experience team work on behalf of North and South Ayrshire Council to source work placements for school pupils from S4-S6. This could be for a couple of days, weeklong or flexible (e.g. 1 afternoon per week on an ongoing basis). These placements give young people a real insight to the world of work and should also provide the employer with an additional support in the workplace to assist with tasks. We are desperately keen to ensure that all young people get the opportunity to take part in this programme but we cannot do it without you, our Ayrshire employers.
If you would like to offer work experience, please complete the online Work Placement Application Form by clicking the below button.
Ayrshire Chamber’s Education Team have developed guidelines to assist you to raise the quality of the learning that a work placement can offer while motivating and inspiring all involved. Check out their Ayrshire Ask

Who to contact for help & support relating to a work placement
If you are looking for help & support prior to the placement then please contact the Education Team on 01292 678666.
You should receive a letter from the school approximately 2 weeks before a placement starts, this will detail a contact in the school should an issue arise during the placement. If for some reason you are unable to reach the named contact then please contact the Chamber by the above methods.
Sample Induction Programmes
Please find a selection of sample induction programmes for pupils:
Appropriate activities for a pupil during placement
The starting point for organising a work experience placement is to identify exactly what opportunity you are offering. This means compiling a timetable of meaningful activities for the duration of the placement.
Sample Timetables of Activity:
Feedback session with the pupil before end of their placement
To ensure the pupils learning experience has been fulfilled it is beneficial that a feedback session takes place. This allows the employer to highlight areas that the pupil has flourished and areas that could be developed in the future.
Health & Safety Guidance
To help your business prepare for a young person carrying out a placement, we have compiled a list of useful documents:
Heath and Safety guidance during Coronavirus pandemic:
Example Risk Assessments
We have also listed sector specific sample risk assessments for your information:
- Shop >
- Food prep, cooking and service >
- Maintenance work in a factory >
- Motor vehicle repair workshop>
- Office based businesses >
- Warehouse >
The above are only guidelines and we encourage you to adapt to suit your business.
Become a Member Today!
To apply to become an Ayrshire Chamber member online, please click here to access our online application form.