

The Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce training calendar covers a diverse range of areas including Skills for Business, Management, Leadership and HR, Business Finance & Accounting, Digital Marketing, Copywriting, A.I. Artificial Intelligence and Health and Wellbeing.

These courses are designed to help professionals of all levels develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their careers.

At Ayrshire Chamber, we understand that businesses thrive when equipped with the right knowledge and skills. That’s why we are offering an engaging calendar featuring over 30 business training courses, all available to our members.

You can view our Business Boosts dates, and other training here:

Here’s what some of our members said about the training.

Member Testimonials

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‘Being a Chamber Training Partner has been good for me and my business as I have gained a couple of new clients through it. It has also given me great exposure, not just to those who attended my session, but also to those who received notifications via email/social media/chamber web page etc. It’s also really good for promoting myself/services i.e. by making people aware, that as well as being a member of the chamber, that I am a training partner too!’

Bread and Butter Marketing

‘As a training partner of Ayrshire Chamber, I really appreciate the professional way in which they manage the training and trainers, communicating well about the event and what is required. The sessions are always well marketed so there is a large number of businesses who attend. The relationship has been very valuable to Bread & Butter Marketing, as on top of the training, it is a fantastic way to introduce what we can offer to business people in Ayrshire’. Thank you Ayrshire Chamber!’

Become a Member Today!

To apply to become an Ayrshire Chamber member online, please click here to access our online application form.

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