Address: 38/42 Ayr Road, Cumnock, KA18 1DW
Phone: 07483 933187
Business Category: Business Services
Sub Category: Biodiversity, Sustainability, Carbon Footprint
Member: Yes
Discount Scheme: Tailored solutions available.
Offers Discount Scheme: 1
Membership Type: Premier
Membership Type ID: 8
Free Boost Count: 8
Founded in 2020 by Wendy Pring CEng MICE, to provide a quality shopping and travel experience in Ayrshire, expanding to rural areas in Scotland.
At TWF2045, we believe in our methods to onboard sustainability to a more mainstream audience through gamification. Incentivising the idea of change – not having to feel like change because it?s not what people WANT!
We are in early-mid planning stages of our exciting vacation options and are excited to begin working with partners to make a retreat that accommodates all genres of people. We are visualising and designing a 'wowful' experience that leaves our guests completely stress free and less reluctant to the changes that will save our planet.
Trading as @20:45 in our takeaway/refillery store in Ayr Road, Cumnock, we provide and educate on a range of locally/sustainably sourced foods.
Our @20:45 logo represents our values & business ethos across our food/retail industry. It symbolises a digital clock as we are reminded daily of the countdown we face to reach our NetZero Target. The food retail industry in the UK produces 5.3 million, Metric Tonnes of Carbon Emissions (MtCO2e) as of 2019, which is staggering but nothing in comparison to our imported foods & produce. Over 35 million MtCO2e because of overseas food production! We are a nation with acres upon acres of land for crop production & livestock but aren't getting the full potential because our money is being spent on primarily INTERNATIONAL goods. Our vision is to use our 8 Primary UN17 SDGs to educate our supply chains, support local food company's and create self-sustainable communities!
We also focus on up-skilling staff and offering as many opportunities as we can to allow growth beyond us. We have a main focus on working with neurodiversity's and giving a much better one-on-one experience than they would possibly experience at a bigger organisation.
Follow us at The Way Forward 2045 or